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https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5632279/how-to-set-timeout-on-client-socket-connection 참고

아래 소스가 완벽하게 설명해줌.

socket.connect 는 connection 을 설립(?) 하는데 드는 시간이 초과될 경우 발생하는거고.

socket.setSoTimeout 은 connection 은 성공적으로 연결됐는데 Server 에 있는 데이터 read 하다 시간 초과난 경우

Socket socket = new Socket();
// This limits the time allowed to establish a connection in the case
// that the connection is refused or server doesn't exist.
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
// This stops the request from dragging on after connection succeeds.

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